the founder and dreamer behind the mentor mom

How I went from overwhelmed, exhausted mom to confident and self-assured...

Before becoming a parent coach, I was overwhelmed by my two different, but equally challenging young children. At the time, I was working as a Children’s Protective Services Worker. As hard as that job was, it wasn’t nearly as stressful as trying to raise two young kids. Days were filled with a mixture of emotions:
Fear that I wasn't a good parent
Feeling unequipped to deal with my kids
Crying myself to sleep wanting to do and be better
Feeling too embarrassed to ask for help
Desperately wanting to find more joy as a parent
I discovered how to build my parenting self-esteem and created a calmer, happier home environment for my family.
After many sleepless nights and tears, I pulled myself up by the bootstraps and decided I WAS going to be a better parent. I got busy researching and filling my parenting toolbox and, guess what? Things got better! Did I have the answer to every dilemma? No. Had I created a framework to help me problem solve these situations? Yes! It became my mission to help other overwhelmed and anxious parents do the same.
Passionate about helping others
I see myself in every parent with whom I work. It is an awful feeling, isn't it? Worrying if you are going to be a good parent or wishing you had handled a situation with your child differently? One thing I know for sure is that with the right tools, you can be the parent you want to be and have the relationship with your child that you dream of.

I'm all about
Roadtrips in the RV, campfires, the beach, big dogs, grumpy cats, coffee with lots of cream and time with my family.

I'm not about
Drama, making things harder than they really are, laundry and rude people.

If I can do this, you can to and I will be here to help you every step of the way.
My work as a home visitor and social worker has required me to continually add to my tool collection. To the families whom I have served, you have my deepest gratitude. My goal is to give you tools that will take you well beyond the toddler years.
If you are ready to take the first step in understanding your child, helping them learn and grow all while creating a happier family, let's get to it! I want you to know that you can do this. Having said that, let’s be straight with each other: it isn’t going to be easy.
Transforming your family starts with you and change is hard. If you are willing to put in the hard work, I promise to walk along side you and teach you the foundational skills needed to facilitate that change. It’s time to take action. LET'S DO THIS!