My Favorite Toys to Get Toddlers Talking

No discussion of development or learning can be done without a discussion of play. Play is how young children learn -- it is their full time job. As such, it is one of the best ways to work on language with toddlers. With the right toys, strategies and techniques, you can work on ALL the different foundational skills needed to get your child to words. This week on my YouTube, I am sharing my favorite toys that I have used as an Early Childhood Interventionist for the last 20+ years as well as some strategies and tips on how to use them to stimulate language.
In the video, I have broken the recommended toys into several categories including:
- Manipulatives
- Pretend Play
- Active Play
- Books
Now, if you are only interested in the list, you can click here to access a pdf download of each of the toys which includes link to the item on Amazon.*
You can find the video here!
*I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.