
What to do when you can't stand your kids.

Yes, those words did come out of my mouth at one point in time. No, I don’t feel that way any more. Well, at least not as often. As I re-enter the blogosphere and big a fond adieu to my old Typepad blog, I feel compelled to revisit my most popular post. I wrote this in 2007 after a conversation with another mom about how our kids were driving us crazy. Then she said it: “Sometimes I don’t like my kid.” I thought she was so brave for saying what I was feeling at the time but couldn’t say out loud. It was a relief to know that I wasn’t the only one. Hence the post. I thought others might be feeling the same way and boy were they. I got tons of hits on that post and eventually learned that at least 20-30 people per day googled “I can’t stand my kids.” I’m guessing that number may even be higher now as parents are stretched even more thin. Now if you haven’t ever experienced these feelings, keep your negative judgey comments to yourself ‘cause I ain’t having it. This blog is a safe place for individuals to express their thoughts and feelings. Here is a link to the original post from 2007. It discusses these feelings further as well as some ways to move beyond these feelings which are most definitely not an accurate description of our overall feelings for our kids. The comments from overwhelmed parents resonate with me to this day…